
5 Surprising Facts about Green Screens in Speech Teletherapy

Since the beginning of the pandemic, speech-therapists have increasingly turned to technology. They use tablets, smart boards, video conferencing, and more to connect with students. This technology is a tool in the hands of experts; it’s not a replacement for the face-to-face interaction students need to learn how to communicate. Educators are increasingly turning to green screens in speech-language therapy to enhance interactivity in virtual therapy sessions. The tool also unleashes telepractitioners’ creativity! Here are five surprising facts about green screens in speech teletherapy.

Green Screens in Speech Teletherapy

Speech and Language Pathologist Emily LaRocque demonstrates how green screens can be incorporated into therapy sessions.

1. Green screen technology is accessible.

You may be familiar with green screens from blockbuster Hollywood films where they’re used to create incredible visual effects. But speech-language pathologists don’t need big budgets or teams of visual effects experts to use green screens.

They can create a green screen with a simple swath of green fabric (including a tablecloth, or shower curtain) or green construction paper, and some Command hooks. Once in place, the green screen becomes a backdrop for any image that the telepractitioner wants the learner to see. Pro tip! It’s also helpful to cover any chairs or furniture with green fabric so they don’t disrupt the image. SLPs should avoid wearing green clothing since that will disappear too!

Therapists can upload custom backgrounds from rainforests to under-the-sea screens into video conferencing platforms like Zoom. Then, they change their virtual backgrounds. Any activity that’s saved as an image file can transform into a backdrop, including photos, worksheets, game boards, and books. SLPs can even use Powerpoint slides, Google slides, handouts from Teachers Pay Teachers, and Boom Cards! GoGo Speech also provides virtual backgrounds. The software replaces everything green with the image, so the custom image fills the screen. The therapist is still visible — and ready to engage with the new interactive world.

2. Teletherapists can target a variety of speech goals with green screens.

Therapists can incorporate green-screen activities that revolve around stories to work on articulation. To target language goals, telepractitioners might play “I Spy” or use a “Bear Hunt” story to pull out certain words.

3. Green screens enhance engagement.

SLPs know that engagement can make or break a student’s success. Incorporating green screens in speech teletherapy transforms sessions into interactive TV shows. With fun, play, and sessions targeted to each child’s unique interests, students will interact more. SLPs using green screens say they’ve noticed more engagement, more interest, and, ultimately, greater language gains.

4. Speech-language pathologists enjoy green screens, too!

SLPs are finding that green screen technology unleashes their creativity. They can bring students along as they sail on pirate ships, fly to outer space, or drive a tractor. Some SLPs have incorporated pockets into their green screens to make objects seem like they disappear in a monster’s mouth or to find a treasure in a pot of gold at the end of rainbow. The possibilities are endless!

5. There’s support for teletherapists using green screens.

SLPs are gathering in a Facebook group where they can exchange ideas and share resources about using green screens in speech teletherapy. If you’re just getting started, it’s a great place to ask questions.

How Unlimited Teletherapy Can Help

If you’re a speech-language therapist who would like to join a team of passionate, driven professionals who want to raise the bar in teletherapy using techniques like these, reach out to us. If you’re a parent who would like your student to receive services, contact us to see how we can help.




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