
8 Secrets to Success for Tech-Savvy Schools

Since the start of the pandemic, the use of technology in educational instruction has boomed. The return to in-person learning hasn’t replaced the demand for tech-savvy solutions. Schools are incorporating tech to address literacy gaps, manage classrooms, and provide services such as speech-language pathology. Technology is here to stay. However, it isn’t enough to simply provide Chromebooks for every student. (But hooray if students have them!) To make the most of this educational tool, here are eight secrets of success for tech-savvy schools.

Keys to Success for Tech-Savvy Schools

Schools that incorporate the following qualities have set up habits for successful technology integration.

1. They buy the right equipment.

Successful tech-savvy schools think thoughtfully and wisely about how to invest. Whether they’re purchasing interactive whiteboards or Chromebooks for every student, they have a strategy that focuses not only on the “what” (e.g. the hardware) but also they “why” and “how” (e.g. why the hardware is needed and how it will be integrated). Schools also understand that technology isn’t a one-time purchase. Rather, it’s an ongoing cost as software and hardware must be updated and new devices become available.

2. They prioritize professional development.

Teachers attest that proper training is one of the biggest obstacles to them incorporating technology in their classrooms. Tech-savvy schools understand they must invest in ongoing professional development for their staff members so that educators can confidently incorporate the tools. Without proper training, educators may feel they are spending more time troubleshooting than teaching.

3. They provide timely support.

If a problem eclipses an educator’s or staff member’s knowledge, they need a dedicated person to turn to for help. Tech-savvy schools understand this need, and they devote staff resources to providing timely support and repairs. Technology should enhance the educational experience — not hold it back.

4. They ensure technology isn’t an afterthought.

Fear of failure often holds educators back from successfully utilizing technology. Repeated use builds familiarity. So, successful tech-savvy schools build technology into many aspects of school life and classroom instruction. As school administrators, staff, and teachers become confident with integrating technology into education, so too will students as they navigate their educational journeys.

5. They involve parents.

Technology has become a primary way parents and schools communicate, from noting upcoming absences to discussing student challenges via email. School and classroom websites can relay important information about events, needs, and other topics. But successful schools don’t just use technology to connect with parents. They also invite parents into conversations about technology use and application through committees and one-on-one conversations.

6. They prepare students for their digital lives.

Students spend more time with technology outside of school than in it. The average 8- to 10-year-old spends eight hours a day consuming media. With that in mind, it’s paramount that tech-savvy schools facilitate conversations with students about their digital lives outside of school. Whether formal or informal, these lessons may cover online safety, Internet etiquette, digital citizenship, and the consequences of unwise sharing.

7. They use technology to collaborate.

We’ve discussed how teachers need professional development to better integrate technology, but they can also use technology for professional development. Technology makes myriad educational opportunities accessible. These include from online conferences and coursework, and social media communities where educators can connect with colleagues.

8. They fail upwards.

Not all plans will unfold perfectly. The best tech-savvy schools understand they need to be flexible and innovative when it comes to integrating technology. For example, some districts may launch pilot programs to evaluate a new piece of hardware and software, then adjust based on learnings from that program before launching an initiative more broadly.

How Unlimited Teletherapy Can Help

Unlimited Teletherapy are experts in providing tele-therapy and can help you understand how your school district can incorporate virtual speech-language pathology and occupational therapy services. Contact us to see how we can help.






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